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Hugo Santos

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Accelerating with memoization

Memoization can be incredible useful for expensive calculations. Just look at the results at the bottom of the post to check how long the 2 functions (with and without memoization) take to run the computation of fib 35.

import time

def fib_slow(n):
    if n < 2:
        return n
        n_1 = fib_slow(n - 1)
        n_2 = fib_slow(n - 2)
        return n_1 + n_2

fib_dict = {}

def fib_fast(n):
    global fib_dict
    if n < 2:
        return n
        if (n-1) in fib_dict:
            n_1 = fib_dict[n - 1]
            n_1 = fib_fast(n - 1)
            fib_dict[(n - 1)] = n_1
        if (n - 2) in fib_dict:
            n_2 = fib_dict[n - 2]
            n_2 = fib_fast(n - 2)
            fib_dict[(n - 2)] = n_2

        return n_1 + n_2


n = 35
print "Calculating fib of " + str(n)
print "Using fib_slow (without memoization)"
start_time = time.time()
print fib_slow(n)
print time.time() - start_time, "seconds"
print "Accelerating... (with memoization)"
start_time = time.time()
print fib_fast(n)
print '{0:.10f}'.format(time.time() - start_time), "seconds"

we get…

Calculating fib of 35
Using fib_slow (without memoization)
11.9559807777 seconds
Accelerating… (with memoization)
0.0000698566 seconds